Monday, March 23, 2009

Critical Thinking Blog #8

I totally forgot that we are supposed to write about "A Streetcar Named Desire." How could I forget Brando and his shirtlessness? Never again shall I make such a folly. The first time I read "Streetcar" it was difficult for me to really picture Stanley beyond his fictionalized characterization. But, oh my, Brando and his dreaminess just epitomized Stanley. The first time I saw the movie at USF I hated the scene where he is just stuffing his face with food for a multitude of reasons. Everyone else in my class laughed, like our class did, and I just sat there so annoyed. One reason is I hate when someone is stuffing their face and talking, especially if they are talking to me. However, the main reason was that if I was Stella I would have felt really disrespected and, at the time, this scene disturbed me more than the scene in which Stanley hits Stella even though the play evoked more emotion from me in the latter scene. It's probably because I was just naturally even more of bitch, having to deal with a ridiculous roommate, and just took that scene and dwelled upon it. When we watched it on Tuesday I actually laughed. This time, I felt more disdain for Blanche than before. I have never cared for Blanche Dubois, but Vivien Leigh just amplifies my disdain. She hones in on Blanche's victimization of herself and, even though I have always thought that Blanche has a flair for the dramatics, Leigh's portrayal made her seem like a joke. I've always associated her to the mother, Amanda, in "The Glass Menagerie" ("My glass!--menagerie. . .") with her traditional Southern values and lack of connection with reality. Similar to Williams' mother, but that is another blog. . .

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